Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Ex-PPRA boss now more

The former CEO of the Public Procurement

he former CEO of the Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (PPRA), Dr Ramadhan Mlinga, was yesterday charged with forgery of minutes to bless aircraft leasing by the Air Tanzania Company Limited (ATCL) that occasioned the government a loss of billions of shillings.
Mr Mlingwa was charged along PPRA director of legal services and public affairs Bertha Soka and former ATCL managing director David Mattaka.
Mr Mlingwa and Ms Soka allegedly forged the minutes of a meeting to show that the agency had met to discuss ATCL’s application for approval of its aircraft lease agreement.
Mr Mattaka, who is already charged with the purchase of Sh1 billion worn-out motor vehicles for ATCL allegedly signed a lease agreement with Wallis Trading Inc without disregard to public procurement laws and ignoring technical advice.

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